Brittany Baker – PhD student (cosupervision with D. Moreira, P. Lopez-Garcia) (03/2020 – to date). Brittany investigates the evolution of halophilic archaea.Jazmin Blaz– PhD student (co-supervision with D. Moreira) (12/2019-to date). Jazmin carries out several large projects related to the evolution of the genome and epigenome of a deep-branching clade of diverse protists, the ancyromonads.Fabian van Beveren– PhD student (cosupervision with D. Moreira, P. Lopez-Garcia) (10/2018 – to date). Fabian’s work investigates the evolution of red algal organellar genomes and the origin of secondary red plastids.Guillaume Louvel– Postdoctoral fellow (01/2021 – to date). Guillaume’s project aims at disentangling phylogenetic signal from noise during phylogenetic reconstructions of ancient evolutionary events.Jolien van Hooff– Postdoctoral fellow. Jolien is pursuing several projects related to the genomic evolution of eukaryotes at large, including the importance of lateral gene transfers in various protist clades. She also studies the origin and evolution of important molecular complexes involved in the cell cycle.
Julien Massoni – Postdoctoral fellow 2020-2022. Julien’s project aimed at better characterising the evolution across eukaryotes of proteins families involved in epigenetic modifications.Naoji Yubuki– Postdoctoral fellow – 2020/21. Naoji sampled, identified, cultured and described numerous novel lineages of protists.
Guillaume Peugnet – Master’s student. Spring 2021.